
GATERS Project (GATE RUDDER System as a Retrofit for the Next Generation Propulsion and Steering of Ships)

by Mehmet Ozan Şerifoğlu | Dec 19, 2023

GATERS Project (GATE RUDDER System as a Retrofit for the Next Generation Propulsion and Steering of Ships)

The aim of the GATERS project is to design a new rudder system (Gate Rudder) to reduce the fuel consumption and emissions (CO2, NOX, SOX) of ships and to make ships energy efficient. In addition, it is aimed at manufacturing the resulting design, installing it on the specified ships, and demonstrating the effectiveness of the GRS in navigation trials. GATERS, a European Union project, involves 18 participants from different countries. At ITU, one of the important stakeholders in the project, model measurements were carried out using the facilities of the Ata Nutku Ship Model Experiment Laboratory and Cavitation Tunnel (ITÜKAT). In ITÜKAT, propeller open water measurement tests, cavitation tests behind the ship model, noise, pressure, and wake measurements were carried out. The measurements were carried out separately for the conventional rudder system (CRS) and the gate rudder system (GRS) and compared. The test results show that GRS reduces the cavitation volume on the propeller blade and reduces the noise level by 20 dB.


Related staffs:
Prof. Dr. Emin Korkut
Prof. Dr. Ömer Gören
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ugur O. Ünal
Res. Asst. Cağatay S. Köksal, PhD
Res. Asst. Cağrı Aydın, MSc
Res. Asst. Selahattin Özsayan, MSc
Res. Asst. Aras Çetinkaya, MSc