ESTHETICS Project (Energy Saving Techniques for Energy Efficient Vessels and Emission Reduction toward Green Shipping)

by Mehmet Ozan Şerifoğlu | Dec 19, 2023
ESTHETICS Project (Energy Saving Techniques for Energy Efficient Vessels and Emission Reduction toward Green Shipping)

The main objective of the ESTHETICS Project is to design energy efficient ships and make them suitable for the industry. There are many techniques and methods to increase energy efficiency. Minimizing wave and viscous resistance by ship form optimization, improving frictional resistance by using dimpled surfaces, increasing propulsion efficiency by using energy-saving devices (ESD) on ships are the techniques and methods covered within the scope of the project. The ESTHETICS Project is an international 2549-Bilateral Cooperation project supported by TUBITAK and the Polish National Center for Research and Development (NCBR). Istanbul Technical University (ITU) and Ship Design and Research Center S.A. (CTO) are the project partners.

Within the scope of the project, the effects of dimpled surfaces with different geometric properties (frequency of dimples on the plate, ratio of dimple depth to diameter) on the resistance were experimentally investigated at ITÜKAT at different speeds and different boundary layer thicknesses, and the results were compared with the results obtained from the flat plate. Boundary layer measurements were also performed by Laser Doppler Velocimetry (LDV). For the experimental study, a special measurement setup suitable for resistance measurement on large plates was designed. As a result of the measurements, it was determined that the dimple structures affect the surface friction performance positively or negatively, depending on the density of the applied dimple structure.


Related staffs:
Prof. Emin Korkut
Prof. Ömer Gören
Assoc. Prof. Ugur O. Ünal
Res. Asst. Cağatay S. Köksal, PhD
Res. Asst. Cağrı Aydın, MSc
Res. Asst. Selahattin Özsayan, MSc
Res. Asst. Aras Çetinkaya, MSc