Within the scope of this project, it is aimed to contribute to teachers from different branches working at the Science and Art Center in Istanbul to integrate scientific knowledge with technological applications and transfer innovative learning methods and techniques to the classroom environment. Within this framework, activities will be organized for 5 days so that Bilsem teachers who teach gifted students can create enriched and differentiated digital course content on climate change using technological applications. As a result of the project, it is aimed for Bilsem teachers to increase their competence in using Web 2.0 tools in the education of gifted students. In order to evaluate the effectiveness of the project, the “Developing Digital Content on Climate Change” scale will be applied as a pre-test and post-test.
Related Staff:
Bilge Tutak
Burak Karacık
Sevil Deniz Yakan Dündar
Oktay Eren Türeyen