This study presents a comparative analysis of hydrodynamic forces on cylindrical offshore piles with both constant and linearly varying diameters utilizing computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations. The classical Morison equation is evaluated alongside an extended version to address limitations in predicting forces on geometrically complex structures. Mesh convergence studies are performed to select the optimum grid size for separate wave and current simulations. The focus is on test cases characterized by small Keulegan-Carpenter (KC) numbers and relatively high Reynolds (Re) numbers within both inertia-dominated and diffraction zones. Numerical simulation results are utilized to compare the force predictions of the classical Morison equation and the extended Morison equation. It is observed that the classical Morison equation performs adequately for constant diameter piles, but it fails to predict forces on variable diameter piles accurately. In contrast, the extended Morison equation, incorporating nonlinear effects and variable cross-sections, provides significantly more accurate force predictions, particularly in the diffraction zone compared to the numerical simulations. This study emphasizes the critical importance of accounting for geometric variations, such as linearly varying pile diameters, under separate waves and currents loadings in hydrodynamic force calculations. These considerations support the development of enhanced design methods and optimization strategies, leading to safer and more efficient offshore structures.

Related Staff:
Deniz Bayraktar Bural