Mehmet Ozan Şerifoğlu | Dec 19, 2023
Supercavitation Tests Project
In the first stage of the Supercavitation Tests Project, the force, moment values, cavitation envelope length, diameter and noise characteristics of cavitators of different geometries at low cavitation numbers will be examined. These cavitators will then be placed in front of an underwater object and similar investigations will be carried out. A special experimental setup has been designed for these measurements. The Supercavitation Tests Project is being carried out by ITU and ROKETSAN.

Related staffs:
Prof. Emin Korkut
Prof. Ömer Gören
Assoc. Prof. Ugur O. Ünal
Res. Asst. Cağatay S. Köksal, PhD
Res. Asst. Cağrı Aydın, MSc
Res. Asst. Selahattin Özsayan, MSc
Res. Asst. Aras Çetinkaya, MSc