
Hardware-in-the-loop System for a Free-Running Ship Model

by Mehmet Ozan Şerifoğlu | Dec 19, 2023
Hardware-in-the-loop System for a Free-Running Ship Model

Experiments with free-running ship models can be a tedious process. The waiting time for favorable environmental conditions and getting the model out of the workshop are time-consuming issues. Additionally, the available time, typically limited to a day, constrains the number of tests that can be conducted.

This is when HIL tests become valuable. Hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) systems involve a combination of physical hardware and computer simulations to create a realistic testing environment in the laboratory. These systems eliminate the necessity to physically test ships in open waters. Conducting simulations in such a virtual environment greatly reduces the time and cost associated with ship model tests.

Our advanced HIL system provides the flexibility to perform extensive number of tests without the need for the physically immersing the ship. It is a game-changer in not only maximizing our testing efficiency but also in fine-tuning and optimizing our ship control algorithms. This is considered to be a very important step for autonomous ship navigation and collision avoidance.

The project's video


Related staff:
Prof. Omer Kemal Kınacı (Dean, Project Coordinator)
Asst. Prof. İsmail Bayezit
Asst. Prof. Cihad Delen
Res. Asst. Burak Güngüder, MSc
Res. Asst. Erdinç Kara, MSc
Res. Asst. Afşin Baran Bayezit, MSc