Development of a novel spectral element method for the analysis and multi-objective design of stiffened laminated composite panels

by Mehmet Ozan Şerifoğlu | Dec 18, 2023

Development of a novel spectral element method for the analysis and multi-objective design of stiffened laminated composite panels

Stiffened laminated panels are widely used in the aviation (aerospace), marine, and automotive industries due to their high stiffness-to-weight ratio. Stacking sequence, stiffener size, type, and location have significant effects on the mechanical performance of these structures. In literature, the conventional prevailing analysis approach is finite element method. This method requires an alternative, discrete representation of the structure/geometry. Although the analysis process starts with the CAD model, it is necessary to convert this CAD model into a suitable finite element mesh for analysis, and as the number of elements are increasing, the computational burden of the finite element approach increases as well. In this project, to overcome this problem, the overarching goal is to develop a new high-fidelity spectral element solution methodology and to develop a novel coarse quad mesh generation methodology, that is based on NURBS enabling accurate representation of the geometry, capable of incorporating curved edges for the elements and suitable with the proposed solution approach. Since high order polynomials can be used in the elements with this spectral element approach, geometry can be taken into account correctly and the analysis can be performed with high precision. This project is funded by TÜBİTAK under the ARDEB 1001 program, and the PI of the project is Prof. Bekir Bediz from Sabanci University.


The related staff:
Asst. Prof. M. Erden Yildizdag